//IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference paper is accepted
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference paper is accepted2022-01-26T20:31:12+09:00

HOME 게시판 Board IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference paper is accepted

1 글 보임 - 1 에서 1 까지 (총 1 중에서)
  • 글쓴이
  • 승훈 이
    Post count: 19

    “Joint Design of Transmit Waveform and Reflection Phase for IRS Aided Wireless Power Transfer” by Minyoung Hwang, Hongsun An, and Hyuncheol Park has been accepted to the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. Congratulations!

    • 이 게시글은 승훈 이에 의해 3 년 전에 수정됐습니다.
1 글 보임 - 1 에서 1 까지 (총 1 중에서)
  • 답변은 로그인 후 가능합니다.